PAVI – GNSS permanent station

The Laboratory of Geomatics has been operating such a GNSS permanent station since 1999. which is called PAVI (due to international standards, names must be have four letters).
A permanent station is a GPS/GNSS receiver shich works 24h/365, observes the satellite constallations and store the received data. The acquired data are freerly available for surveyors and researchers.



Location and coordinates

Realized in 1999, PAVI is one of the most ancient GNSS Permanent Station in Italy.
It is located on the roof of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering.
Official coordinates for PAVI are reported below:

WGS84 – ETRF2000

  • Latitude: 45° 12′ 10.73200″ N
  • Longitude: 09° 08′ 10.10416″ E
  • Ellipsoidal height: 143.626 m

UTM 32N, WGS84 – ETRF2000

  • East: 501691.965 m
  • North: 5005508.445 m
  • Ellipsoidal height: 143.626 m
  • Geoidic height: 102.648 m

PAVI is part of two very important GNSS networks:

  • RDN (Rete Dinamica Nazionale) which represents (embodies) the geodetic frame in Italy. More information can be found on official website (RDN website – Italian only).
  • the Piedemont-Lombardy GNSS network, supplying the so-called NRTK corrections, allowing professional surveyors to quickly perform high-quality measurements.More information can be found on the official website (



Officially, PAVI started to observe GPS contallation in novembre 11th 1999 and during last years several receivers and antennas had been changed.
Now PAVI is equipped with a TopCon TPS NET-G5 receiver and a TPSCR3 antenna. For more information about PAVI’s history please download the LOG file (“Log_file_PAVI.txt“).

PAVI’s antenna through the years


sezione_frontale_sostegno_permanentesezione_laterale_sostegno_permanentePAVI’s antenna was anchored to a structural part of the main university building.

The images show two section: on the left the front view (in axis with the anchor pillar) and on the right the side view.