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- 11, 08, 2021
Seminari del Laboratorio di Geomatica
- 04, 06, 2018
Si tratta di incontri ad uso interno, informali e poco strutturati. Ma interessanti. Se ti va di partecipare, sei benvenuto. Il calendario è soggetto a frequenti modifiche, dunque ricordati di verificare con il relatore data e orario. L’elenco dei seminari attualmente pianificati è disponibile al link: seminari laboratorio geomatica fino luglio 2018 – ver 2 I […]
LeggiLabGeo at INTERGEO 2016
- 10, 17, 2016
INTERGEO, which consists of a conference and a trade fair, is the world’s largest event for geodesy, geoinformation and land management. The conference deals with current issues from politics, administration, science and industry, and had around 1,200 participants. At last year’s leading trade fair, more than 16,500 visitors from 90 countries discovered the latest […]
LeggiReUSO 2016
- 10, 05, 2016
In the day of 6-7-8 October 2016 the 4th Congress on reuse will take place in Pavia. The Laboratory of Geomatics will join the exhibit on the department activities that will take place in one of the main court of the central university, during the conference period.